Orientation Program 2022:Actionable AI for Business

The Student Induction and Orientation Programme for the First Year Students 2022-2023 was conducted on 24.11.2022 at 9.00 am to 10.30 am in Seminar Hall I& II. Ms. Preeti Sivakumar, (SRIT Alumni), Data Architecture Consultant, Accenture,Canada, was the Resource Person, Dr. C.R. Hema, HOD/EEE was the convener Dr.V. Chitra and Asso.Prof./HOD (S&H) was the coordinator for the program and delivered the Welcome and the Vote of Thanks for the session. The session was highlighted by the topic“Actionable AI for Business”, the Resource Person justified her topic. To illuminate the students in all outlooks of Analytics, Types of Analytics, NLP applications, Machine language, and Supervised and Unsupervised Learning was weighed up for the upliftment of the student’s betterment in Telecommunication systems.