PoSH Cell : Awareness Programme on Prevention of Sexual Harassment
Prevention of Sexual Harassment (PoSH) Cell of Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology conducted an awareness programme on “Prevention of Sexual Harassment” on 11.10.2023 through online mode for the girl students of SRIT. The resource person for this programme was Dr. S. Anila, Professor and Head, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, PoSH Cell Coordinator, Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. She began with the introduction to what PoSH is, followed by the roles of PoSH Cell. She discussed about various scenario that can be considered to be an act of Sexual Harassment and also briefed about the type of actions that constitute Workplace Sexual Harassment. She explained about the Laws towards Sexual Harassment in India and the intention behind those laws. She discussed about the UGC guidelines which insisted the awareness of PoSH among the students and Women. Dr. S. Anila described about the main features of PoSH Act, Vishaka Guidelines & Who all are covered under this law. She also disseminated the roles of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), members of PoSH cell of SRIT and about the Complaint box to register their complaints if any within the campus of Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology. She created awareness about PoSH Cell and how it could help the girl students if they are aggrieved and insisted them to be courageous enough to face the situations and stand against sexual harassment. 49 girl students of the department of ECE, of Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology participated in this awareness programme and got benefitted.