Alumni Association Mock interview ‘2024
A Mock interview was arranged for our final year students with Alumni as our resource persons in association with ECE Department. Our Alumni Ms. Vysali R M, Research Scholar, Amrita School of Business, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore; Mr. Balamurugan S, Associate Consultant, Tata Consultancy Services, Bangalore and Ms. Winonah Rajendran, HR- Recruitment, ZOHO Corporation Private Ltd., Chennai were the resource persons. The event started in E-learning hall with the introduction of Chief guest by Dr. S.Anila, Prof. & Head, Department of ECE. Mr.S.Balamurugen delivered a short session on the various job roles available in the IT Sector and the Minimum requirements expected from the freshers while entering into the jobroles. Students interacted with him about their misconceptions regarding placements and got clarity about the process. A one-on-one mock session was conducted by the three resource persons and they provided guidance to the students regarding resume building, proper communication with the interviewers, tips on self-introduction and the ways to improve their aptitude and technical skills. This session serves as an eyeopener for their future and they get to know about the improvement they have to make in order to get placed in good companies.