Awareness Program on accessing IEEE Xplore Digital Library
The Department of Central Library organized an awareness programme on “Awareness Program
on accessing IEEE Xplore Digital Library” on 09.05 2024 at 12.00 pm in the Seminar Hall II
Mr.Nanda Lal T.S, Senior Training Manager, EBSCO Information Services, New Delhi was the
resource person and delivered the special address. Dr.S.Mary Praveena, Professor In-charge library
welcomed the gathering and introduced the chief guest.
The resource person explained the importance of IEEE Xplore online journal. He explained
about the various process involved in using online search such as title search, author search, institution
search, article download, IEEE Dataport, evaluate each search term/phrase when creating your search
strategy, proximity operators, metadata search and quiz test your knowledge. Dr.P.Ramesh, Librarian,
proposed the vote of thanks. One hundred and fifty students from EEE, ECE, CSE, and IT departments
participated in this awareness programme and got benefited.