Webinar on “Fundamentals of Engineering Mathematics”

The Department of Science and Humanities (Mathematics) organized a webinar on Fundamentals of Engineering Mathematics through Google meet platform on 10.02.2022 at 05.00 PM for first year B.E/B.Tech students of our institute. Dr.B.Palpandi, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Anna University-BIT Campus, Tiruchirappalli was the resource person for the webinar.The objective of the programme is to provide the basic knowledge about the fundamental of Engineering Mathematics.

            Dr.S.Nagarani, Professor and Head, Department of Science and Humanities chaired the session and delivered the welcome address. Dr.S.Parvatham, Assistant Professor introduced the resource person. Dr. B. Palpandi, delivered a lecture on the topic Fundamentals of Engineeing Mathematics and highlighted that continuity, discontinuity, limit of a function, differentiation integration concepts help individuals to solve practical problems in everyday life. In addition with that he insisted the importance of mathematical concepts like differentiation as well as the integration, which are the necessary to solve engineering problems.

We received good response from the participants and also they gave good feedback about the webinar. The resource person thanked the organizers for arranging the webinar. Dr. S.Parvatham, Assistant Professor, Department of Science and Humanities (Mathematicss) delivered the vote of thanks. She thanked all for their active support for making the programme successful.             We extend our thanks to the Management and the Principal for giving us the opportunity.