Orientation Program Day 10: Session 1 : 13.09.2023: History of Tamil

The Student Induction and Orientation Programme for the First Year Students 2023-2024 has been conducted on September at 2023, from 9.15 a.m. to 10.45 am in Seminar Hall I, Mr.Kathikeyan, AP/S&H, Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, was the Resource Person, Dr. V. Chitra, Asso.Prof./HOD/Department of Science and Humanities was the convener Dr,A.Herlin Unnatha, AP/ S&H Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore was the coordinator for the programme and delivered the welcome and the vote of thanks for the session. The session was highlighted by the topic “History of Tamil.” The resource person has given justification for his topic. The elaborate introduction and history of Tamil caught the interest of students’ attention and made them involve themselves in learning the language effectively.