A Workshop on “Embedded Internet of Things”
A workshop on “Embedded Internet of Things” was arranged for the second year and third year students of ECE department in Association with ASCONIC, ECE association on 6th May. The chief guest of the session was Mr. Blessington Praveen P, Automotive Embedded Research and developer, Crapersoft, Coimbatore. The workshop was held in LH310, SRIT Campus. Ms. S.Dhivya, AP/ECE has introduced the chief guest to the gathering. Through this workshop, students have acquired hands-on experience about the Internet of Things. Students have interacted with the resource person about the real time application of IoT concepts in their projects and the different ways in which it can be helpful to their placements. This workshop serves as an eyeopener for their future and they came to know about the possible job roles they can play in the industries in this embedded field.